Soon after our visit to Pa's house, we headed down to visit VoVo and PaPa Jim. Most of the days are spent swimming. The great neighborhood pools at VoVo's is where the children get in most of their summer swim time. Miles worked sooo hard this summer to pass the required swim test so he could go off the diving board and slides in the deep end. Well, we actually headed down to VoVo's twice this summer; and, on our second visit, Miles finally made it all the way across the pool (required for the swim test), he then passed the tread water for 1 minute test (took him two tries)--with 5 minutes to spare before the next required adult swim break, just before we were heading back home to VoVo's house, and the final day of our visit. So with those 5 minutes left, he jumped off the board and slid down the slide two times each. He left happy and ready to conquer the swim test next year.
Mickey, Madeleine, and Max attempted many tricks and games off the diving board/slides. Max in particular tries all kinds of crazy twists and flips (they usually look pretty odd if you were to see him attempt one in person).
Matthias too is improving on his swimming, maybe next year he'll be ready for the deep end of the pool too. As you can see in one of the photos, he insisted on going to bed with his goggles on. Of course, I went in shortly after he fell asleep to remove them, but not without taking a photo first.
A walk on the "green belt" (great walking/biking trails throughout the neighborhood)--I just thought the lighting was cool in this tunnel:

A water lily--taken at Mercer park

Mackenzie "reading the paper":

Playing with PaPa Jim's glasses:

Mackenzie at Mercer. It was so hot! Sweat is dripping down her forehead.

Pool Pics:

This is Miles swimming:
Matthias asleep in his goggles:
Until next time...
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