One accomplishment Matthias had this summer was learning to ride his bike without training wheels. One day (I wish I remembered the date exactly, but I don't), he kept asking me to take off his training wheels. Well, as many busy moms know, I couldn't do it right when he wanted me too. When I finally ventured outside to fill his request, he was working hard trying to take them off himself. We worked together and succeeded in removing the training wheels.
Then the lesson began. I helped him to balance and get going. He fell down a few times, but then he just took off. In less than a half hours time, he was jumping on his bike and riding like a pro (well a 5 year old pro). I couldn't believe how quick he took to riding a two wheeler.
He's in kindergarten this year, and I hope he learns to read as fast as he learned to ride his bike, but I suppose that's a post for another day.
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