OK, It's been FOREVER since my last post. Every day I think to myself, "maybe today I can update my blog." But the day goes on, and I do not have the time (or energy) to get it done. I really hope to do better--to keep you (my family and friends) a part of our lives, especially those of you that do not live close to us or we don't see very often. I won't tell you what time it is now. Thanks to my hubby's wonderful surprise of a caramel frappe from McDonalds at 9pm at night, I'm up unable to sleep (the caffeine you know). I knew this would probably happen, but I just couldn't let it go to waste--that's the only coffee drink I like, and I like it a lot (Now don't spoil it by telling me how many calories are in it. I just pretend it's not loaded with extra calories I don't need.)
Now on to what's been up with us... Summer is officially over in the Colvard household, and school has begun (I'll update more on that later). I have approximately 60 pictures to share with you, and that's narrowing it down. I promise not to do it all at once, but hopefully will get through the summer before Thanksgiving, and on to the fall by Christmas. Just Kidding, hopefully in the next couple of weeks, though.
I'll start at the beginning and work our way through to the end--of summer, that is. After I recovered from pneumonia, we headed to Pa's house for a much overdo visit. The weather was GREAT! It was cloudy and rainy, which kept it cool so the children could spend more time running and playing outside. There was lizard catching to be done, playing and running in the rain, ping pong, swimming at Aunt Joel's house, and of course spending time with Pa and Granny Joyce.
We returned home just in time for the July 4th festivities in Duncanville. The older 5 children enjoyed the water slides--these were no baby slides either--the city had set up as part of their celebration. We then returned to Granny's house for food, firecrackers (thanks to Aunt Julie, Jr, Aunt Samantha and C for providing them for the kids) and to watch the annual July 4th fireworks display.
The pictures are backwards--because this uploader adds them to the top instead of the bottom and I forgot about that. In other words, I have to add them backwards to be in the correct order. I could fix it, but it's a pain moving the pictures all around, so I'm leaving it as is. So, start at the bottom if you want to see them in chronological order--either way, this is just the beginning of July. I'll put more on soon. Love you all.