There are so many things to post about! I'm starting with just one today and hopefully over the next few days (or so) I can get caught up to speed.
Early in May, we finished up AWANA. For those who are not familiar, AWANA is a children's ministry for chidren 3 years--6th grade. They work through various levels of age appropriate books memorizing scripture and Biblical truths.
QUICK SYNOPSIS: Matthias graduated from Cubbies, receiving his Bible as a reward for finishing his Cubbie books, and is very excited about starting Sparkies next year. Max finished up Sparkies this year, completing all three books and receiving his Sparkie plaque--he moves up to Pals. Miles completed his second book in Sparkies, receiving his second book award ribbon (he still has one more year of Sparkies). Madeleine worked very hard completing her second book in Chums and received her Excellence award--she moves up to Guards. Mickey volunteered in AWANA this year as an LIT (Leader in Training) working with the Sparkies during game time. It was right up his alley and was a big helper!
I am proud of all of them and the hard work they put into finishing their books. Mostly, I pray, God's word will remain in their heart's, so when the temptations and trials of life come their way (and they will certainly come)--they will be equipped to handle those trials and overcome victorious to the glory of God!
Here are a couple of pictures from AWANA closing ceremonies. I wanted more pictures, but didn't work out.

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