I think Miles's game had the most fans--the stands were packed. Those little guys are just too funny. Miles was playing catcher his first game--you can see how well he played his position :). He really is very competitive. Here he's killing time between batters.

Max had a bit of a rough time at the plate his first game. He kept swinging too early, so didn't get a hit. He can hit the ball, so I know it's just a matter of time and a little more practice.

Madeleine's team played a great game. They've moved up this season to "A" division--the top division--after going undefeated in "B" division last fall. They lost this game 3-0, but held their ground. The teams are tough, but will be good competition to help sharpen their skills. Madeleine is coming out of her shell and getting more aggressive. She would prefer to play offense so she can score a goal, but is a very good defender.

Doesn't he look big!!! Mickey is growing up! I can NOT believe how big he's getting. He now wears a larger size shoe than his dad and is officially taller than me. This is his first season to play on the local home school team--the Spartans. They compete against one other local home school team and several private schools. Their first game wasn't pretty, but they hung in there. Hopefully I'll have better results to report next time.

Here are my sweet little spectators. They are so cute I just have to take pictures and include them. Look at those bright blue eyes--she is so beautiful!!
Matthias was a real trooper for me--running up and down this fence so I could try a photo technique called panning. I need some practice, but had to give Matthias credit for helping me out.
1 comment:
The 'panning' thing is pretty neat looking! He looks very happy to oblige you by running back and forth,sweet boy! Mackenzie is soooo cute! Looks like Madelaine to me (I am quite sure I am butchering the spelling of the names, SORRY!).
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