The boys had been desperately needing a haircut. It had been put off for various reasons, but when Matthias and Miles came to me and pleaded with me to cut their hair, I decided all had to be set aside to get the task done. I got to it, took my time and finished with cute little boy haircuts. I left the clippers on the bench outside (because I cut their hair outside on the back porch) until Max and Mickey were ready for their hair cut. Well, idle hands will fall into mischief. Miles and Matthias were messing with the clippers, and Miles ran the clippers across the top of his little brother's head--with no guard. I had to cut Matthias's hair again. I used a #1, so you can still somewhat see where Miles got him. Matthias wasn't too thrilled about it, so Miles is "suffering" right along with a shorter cut also. At least no one was harmed, and he still has both eyebrows :).

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